XC-9000 - سبون رخصة برنامج ادارة الصوتيات المركزي
4,800.00 SR

اختر الكمية (يرجى التواصل معنا للتاكد من توفر المنتج)

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تفاصيل المنتج

SPON IP Audio Management Software XC-9000  - سبون برنامج ادارة الصوتيات المركزي

برنامج ادارة الصوتيات المركزي



رخصة برنامج إدارة نظام الصوت – سيرفر مركزي: -

  • برنامج سهل الاستخدام
  • سهل التثبيت
  • XC-9000USB يو اس بي تفعيل دونجل
  •  يعتمد على تقنية الـ Web-based
  • للحصول على ملف تفاصيل المنتج يرجى التواصل معنا

Centralized Management Server Software specification: -

  • User-friendly software
  • Easy to install and use
  • Web-based software
  • For more information please get in touch with us to get the Specification file




XC-9000 SPON

This innovative software is based on browser/server structure, once the software is installed in the main database server, other users can also access the user interface of the software through their own browsers, as long as their PC/laptop are in the same LAN with the main database server.
Compared to conventional C/S architecture, B/S architecture can greatly simplify the client computer load, reduce the cost and workload of system maintenance, and greatly improve the efficiency of software upgrading.
In addition, through a certain degree of authority control, our browser-based software can also achieve multiple user access and strong interaction, the administrator can assign different authorities to different users, and designate certain usernames and passwords to different users for their access.

XC-9000 SPON


You can just simply install the management platform (ICPAS Controller) on the main database server, then open your browser (recommended browser: Google Chrome) and input the local IP address of the main database server on the address bar, press Enter, and there’ll be a software license dialog box popping up automatically

XC-9000 SPON

After software licensing, you can get to the login interface, just input the username and password, then you’ll be free to explore the management software yourself.

XC-9000 SPON
With the help of industry-leading DSP (Digital Signal Processing) multichannel audio technology, our management software supports real-time capture & playback of 44.1kHz uncompressed digital audio, offering amazing sound quality during live voice announcements and real-time music broadcasting.
Maximum 1000 IP audio endpoints can be loaded to one set of management software simultaneously, and all the registered IP endpoints can be centralized and managed by one single platform.
The high loading capacity of our management software makes it become a perfect choice for all kinds of projects regardless of its scale, you can either choose it for a small-scale project such as the PA system in a mosque or large-scale projects such as a smart city.
XC-9000 SPON
Using our industry-leading IP audio software platform, you can easily manage all your IP audio endpoints (such as IP paging mic, IP amplifiers, IP paging adapters, IP speakers, etc.) on the browser-based user interface
XC-9000 SPON
Another great feature of our server software is that you can remotely adjust the volume of any IP endpoint on the user interface of our browser-based software directly.
A big time-saving feature of an IP-based PA system is the ability to broadcast different voice announcements or music to different zones at the same time.
Our management software allows you to customize and tailor the paging zones flexibly. You can simply add different IP audio endpoints into the same zone and rename the zone, the zone list can be displayed on the user interface of the server software, and can be chosen while making paging broadcasting. In addition, each IP endpoint can be added to multiple different paging zones simultaneously.
XC-9000 SPON
This innovative software allows you to make live voice announcements to the designated IP endpoint or paging zone from 3rd party VoIP telephone, SPON SIP paging mic, headset connected to your PC/laptop (using the real-time capture & playback function of XC-9000 browser-based server software) or even your smartphone (XC-APP Android & iOS Smartphone App).
As for pre-recorded voice announcements, you can either choose to uploaded the pre-recorded voice message audio file on the music library of server software, or simply put the file in the USB flash disk and play the file on SPON SIP paging mic.
Another advanced functionality of our management software is the integrated TTS (Text-To-Speech) engine supported by iFLYTEK.
For live voice announcements, all you need to do is to set the broadcast type to be [Speech Synthesis], set the speech rate and background music of the voice announcement, and then type in certain text messages on the text box on the bottom. After the settings, just choose the designated IP endpoint or paging zone and click the [Start] button, then the text messages you input will be converted into corresponding voice messages and will be broadcasted automatically.
XC-9000 SPON
Using our user-friendly server software, you can be able to initiate real-time music broadcasting on your PC/laptop directly. You can either choose to use the real-time capture & playback function of the server software (the sound card of your PC/laptop must support stereophonic mixing), or playing the pre-uploaded music files in the media library
XC-9000 SPON
For timed music broadcasting, you can simply set up a scheduled task (setting the trigger to be [Event] - [Timer], setting the operation to be [PA], setting the [Audio Source] to be [File] and choose the corresponding pre-uploaded music file in the media library) on the server software. After the settings of scheduled task, the designated music file will be broadcasted automatically on the specified time.
XC-9000 SPON
If you already have an on-premise VoIP telephone system in your enterprise and you’d like to use the existing VoIP telephone to make live voice announcements to SPON IP PA system, you can simply use SIP trunk to integrate our management software with 3rd party IP PBX, enabling inbound and outbound phone calls from your existing VoIP telephone to SPON IP audio endpoints.
XC-9000 SPON
Most of the mainstream IP PBX can be integrated with XC-9000 management software.
XC-9000 SPON
For notification alerting of safety, security, and emergency events, the activation can be realized by integrating 3rd party conventional/addressable fire alarm system into SPON IP PA system.
What you need to do is to wire any sensors (such as an emergency button, an infrared detector, smoke detector, etc.) to the relay input of the NAC-5003 interface module (each module provides 32 relay inputs) using 22 AWG shielded twisted pair, connect the module to the existing LAN/WAN network, and log it on XC-9000 server software.
XC-9000 SPON
You can easily set up an emergency scheduled task (setting the trigger to be [Event] - [Alarm], setting the operation to be [PA], setting the [Audio Source] to be [File] and choose the corresponding pre-recorded evacuation or warning voice message audio file in the media library) on XC-9000 server software. After the settings of scheduled task, whenever any sensor is being triggered, the task will be activated and corresponding voice message will be played on the speaker.
XC-9000 SPON
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