Benefits and types of surveillance cameras
  • Written by: Aya Mohammed
  • 2022-09-06

To provide security for your organization or home, you must provide high-quality surveillance cameras to ensure the safety of your people and guarantee their rights. This is done by obtaining high-quality surveillance cameras and advanced technologies from a reliable company.

In order to ensure the safety of the devices and regular maintenance, you do not need much to take this step. All you have to do is choose a high-quality product and install it. It will benefit you, your family, and your employees a lot, as it provides them with protection, safety, and

To provide security for your organization or home, you must provide high-quality surveillance cameras to ensure the safety of your people and guarantee their rights. This is done by obtaining high-quality surveillance cameras and advanced technologies from a reliable company.

In order to ensure the safety of the devices and obtain regular maintenance, you do not need much to take this step. All you have to do is choose a high-quality product and install it. It will benefit you, your family, and your employees a lot, as it provides them with protection and security, and you can monitor what is happening around your borders.

Surveillance cameras are used to reduce thefts and combat crimes:

Surveillance cameras are used at any time and place, and their use is very common. There is no store or home without it. This method is used to maintain the security and safety of the place. The goal of using it is to reduce theft and crimes through photography, recording, and night vision services. When installed in a specific location, it can It gives clear, high-quality results as it can detect the thief’s face and obtain vehicle data with ease if the crime or theft occurs. When surveillance cameras are located in a specific location, they are a tool to intimidate the thief or criminal from committing any immoral acts. He is well aware that cameras can To access all the information that you will sign with.

Types of surveillance cameras:

1- Analog surveillance cameras Analog :

Analog surveillance cameras are ideal for small places that need a simple system, such as stores, homes, and small offices, especially with the advancement of the technical field and the development of analog cameras to reach 8 megapixel 4K resolution.

These are the top three main advantages of analogue security cameras Analog the following :

  • Ease of adjustment, installation and maintenance
  • lower price or cheaper
  • Less data consumption

2- IP surveillance cameras :

IP cameras are available with a resolution of up to 30 megapixels (7K). With the advancement of technology and the development of surveillance cameras, more options and features have become available, including multiple users and access to the system through the network. IP cameras are ideal for businesses that need coverage for larger sites and projects, such as parking lots, hospitals, universities, construction sites, warehouses and factories.

These are the three main advantages of cameras IP:

  • Need less cables
  • Flexible and scalable
  • Better video quality

3- Surveillance cameras to read car plates:

This powerful security camera can work in all places and facilities without any exception. It works in parking lots, large malls, and also in front of houses, as it has a night photography feature. And photographing up to an angle of 120 degrees completely and with complete clarity. These cameras were tested to see the result after exposure to an electrical short or multiple power outages. After all that, the camera was not damaged at all.

The three main advantages of license plate reading cameras are:

  • You can control the entry and exit of cars .
  • It is part of the parking gate systems that operate automatically .
  • In addition, it works as an electronic barrier for cars .

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